Integrated Guidance


Student Success Act (Student Investment Account)

The Oregon Legislature passed and the Governor signed the Student Success Act (HB 3427) in Spring 2019. This is a historic and much needed investment in K-12 schools. Roseburg School District will be able to access funding through a state application process.

School districts will be required to apply for funds. Districts must demonstrate engagement of the community in a needs assessment process prior to the application for funds. The needs assessment includes the District’s existing Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) and an expanded public engagement process with multiple and diverse stakeholders.

Districts are allowed four broad uses for the grant proposals:

  • Increasing instructional time
  • Addressing student health and safety needs
  • Increasing adults/decreasing class size
  • Expanding well-rounded learning opportunities.

Programs must also meet students’ behavioral and mental health needs and increase academic achievement as well as reduce disparities among student groups.

Phase I community engagement sought input on what is working and what improvements are needed.