BF - Policy Development

Code: BF
Adopted: 2/10/82
Re-adopted: 10/11/95, 8/13/97, 6/8/22
Original Code: BF

Policies are written philosophies, principles, directives and courses of action through which the Board governs the district.

The Board establishes policies to direct the action of those to whom it delegates authority.

Policies shall be consistent with federal and state laws and regulations. Any policy or any portion of a policy found to be inconsistent with federal and state laws and regulations shall be null and void. The formulation and adoption of policies, recorded in writing, will constitute the basic method by which the Board will exercise its leadership in the operation of the school system.

The basic responsibility for initiating, reviewing and recommending new policies or policy modification will rest with the superintendent. New policies or changes in existing policy may be proposed by any Board member, group or organization, staff member, parent, student or other member of the community to the superintendent for the Board to consider. The superintendent, in developing these policies, may be guided by the recommendations of the staff and may seek parent and community input during the preparation and subsequent review of policy statements. Advice from legal counsel may be appropriate. The superintendent will furnish necessary background information to the Board.

The final authority and responsibility for Board policy lies with the Board.


Legal Reference(s):
ORS 332.107
ORS 332.505
ORS 339.240
OAR 581-022-2305
OAR 581-022-2405