ACB - Every Student Belongs

Code: ACB
Adopted: 11/18/2020; 6/8/2022                                                                                                                          Orig. Code: ACB

All students are entitled to a high quality educational experience, free from discrimination or harassment based on perceived race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or national origin.

All employees are entitled to work in an environment that is free from discrimination or harassment based on perceived race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or national origin.

All visitors are entitled to participate in a school or educational environment that is free from discrimination or harassment based on perceived race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or national origin .

“Bias incident” means a person’s hostile expression of animus toward another person, relating to the other person’s perceived race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or national origin, of which criminal investigation or prosecution is impossible or inappropriate. Bias incidents may include derogatory language or behavior directed at or about any of the preceding demographic groups.

“Symbol of hate” means nooses[1], symbols of neo-Nazi ideology or the battle flag of the Confederacy.

The district prohibits the use or display of any symbols of hate on school property[2] or in an education program, except where used in teaching curriculum that is aligned with standards of education for public schools.

In responding to the use of any symbols of hate, the district will use non-disciplinary remedial action whenever appropriate.

The district prohibits retaliation against an individual because that individual has in good faith reported information that the individual believe is evidence of a violation of a state or federal law, rule, or regulation.

Nothing in this policy is intended to interfere with the lawful use of district facilities pursuant to a lease or license.

The district will use administrative regulation ACB-AR - Bias Incident Complaint Procedure to process reports or complaints of bias incidents.


1 The display of a noose on public property with the intent to intimidate may be a Class A Misdemeanor under Senate Bill 398 (2021).
2 “School property” means any property under the control of the district.

Legal Reference(s):
ORS 659.850
ORS 659.852
OAR 581-002-0005                                                                                                                                            OAR 581-022-2312                                                                                                                                                OAR 581-022-2370 

Tinker v. Des Moines Indep. Cmty. Sch. Dist., 393 U.S. 503 (1969).
Dariano v. Morgan Hill Unified Sch. Dist., 767 F.3d 764 (9th Cir. 2014).
State v. Robertson, 293 Or. 402 (1982).

Cross Reference(s):
AC - Nondiscrimination
GBEA - Workplace Harassment
GBNA - Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Menacing, or Cyberbullying – Staff
GBN/JBA - Sexual Harassment
JBA/GBN - Sexual Harassment
JFCF - Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Meacing/Bullying/Cybergullying/Teen Dating Violence/Domestic Violence - Student