BBF - Board Member Standards of Conduct
Code: BBF
Adopted: 10/11/95
Re-adopted: 8/13/97, 2/10/10, 6/8/22
Individual Board members and the Board as a public entity must comply with ethics laws for public officials.
Board members will treat other Board members, the superintendent, staff and the public with dignity and courtesy and will provide an opportunity for all parties to be heard with due respect for their opinions.
Board members will recognize the superintendent as the chief executive officer to whom the Board has delegated administrative authority to establish regulations and oversee the implementation of Board policy.
When a Board member expresses personal opinions in public, the Board member should clearly identify the opinions as personal.
A Board member will respect the privacy rights of individuals when dealing with confidential information gained through association with the district.
A Board member will keep information and documents discussed in executive session confidential.
A Board member will not post confidential information or documents about students, staff or district business online, including but not limited to, on social media.
Board members will treat fellow Board members, staff, students and the public with respect while posting online or to social media and will adhere to Oregon Public Meetings Laws, including when communicating with other Board members via websites or other electronic means.
A Board member is a mandatory reporter of child abuse. A Board member having reasonable cause to believe that any child with whom the Board member comes in contact with has suffered abuse or that any person with whom the Board member comes in contact with has abused a child shall immediately make an oral report by telephone or otherwise to the local Department of Human Services (DHS), to the designee of the department or to a local law enforcement within the county where the person making the report is located at the time of contact.
Legal Reference(s)
ORS 162.015 - 162.035
ORS 162.405 - 162.425
ORS 192.610 - 192.710
ORS 244.040
ORS Chapter 244 ORS 332.055 ORS 419B.005 ORS 419B.010 ORS 419B.015
Cross Reference(s):
BBFC - Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child
JHFE\GBNAB - Suspected Abuse of a Child Reporting Requirements