BCE - Board Committees
Code: BCE
Adopted: 6/08/22
The Board may have standing committees. Special committees may be appointed by the Board for specific purposes to serve until their assignment is completed. The entire Board may meet as a committee-of-the-whole.
The function of special committees will be fact-finding, deliberative and advisory, rather than legislative or administrative. The committee will make recommendations directly to the Board as a whole, which alone may take action. Committee meetings may be called by the Board chair, the committee chair or any committee member.
Committee-of-the-whole meetings, called “work sessions,” may be held. Committee-of-the-whole meetings may be called by the Board chair or any three Board members.
All meetings of special committees and of committees-of-the-whole will follow the Public Meetings Law. The Board or its committees may sit in an executive session to discuss matters when such session is required or permitted by law.
All matters referred to a committee will be thoroughly investigated. A committee will not have the power to act for the Board except as the Board has specifically authorized, but will make recommendations to the Board. Committee recommendations and reports will become an official part of Board minutes.
A Board committee may appoint advisory members from the staff, student body or community with approval of the Board. Advisory members will be instructed in the committee’s functions and their status. Advisory members may not be included in considering whether a quorum of the committee is present, nor may they vote on recommendations to be made to the Board. Either an advisory member or an ex-officio member may present a written minority report to the Board.
Legal Reference(s):
ORS 192.610 to -192.690
ORS 332.045
ORS 332.105