BDDC - Board Meeting Agenda
Adopted: 10/11/95
Re-adopted: 8/13/97, 6/8/22
The Board chair and the superintendent will prepare an agenda for all regular meetings of the Board. Items of business may be suggested by any Board member, staff member, student or citizen of the district by notifying the superintendent at least five working days prior to the meeting.
The agenda will follow a general order established by the Board. Opportunities for the audience to be heard will be included. The Board will follow the order of business set up by the agenda unless the order is altered by a consensus of the Board.
Items of business not on the agenda may be discussed and acted upon if the majority of the Board agrees to consider them.
The agenda, together with supporting materials, will be distributed to Board members at least three full working days prior to the meeting. The agenda will be available to the press and to interested patrons through the superintendent’s office at the same time it is available to the Board members. Copies of the agenda for the press and public will not contain any confidential information included in the Board members’ packets.
A copy of the agenda will be posted on the district website on the day of the meeting. Members of the public may request a copy of the agenda at the superintendent’s office. All minutes shall be available to the public within a reasonable time after the meeting. Minutes are available in the superintendent’s office.
The district will ensure equally effective communications are provided to qualified persons with disabilities, upon request, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Appropriate auxiliary aids and services may include, but are not limited to, qualified interpreters, assistive listening systems, note takers, large print, Braille materials, audio recordings and readers. Primary consideration will be given to the request of the person with a disability in the selection of the appropriate auxiliary aid and/or service. Should the Board demonstrate such a request would result in a fundamental alteration in the service, program or activity or an undue financial and administrative burden, an alternate, equally effective communication will be used.
Auxiliary aids and services for persons with disabilities will be available at no charge to the individual.
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