BH/BHA - Orientation of New Board Members
Code: BH/BHA
Adopted: 10/11/95
Re-adopted: 8/13/97, 6/8/22
Adopted: 10/11/95
Re-adopted: 8/13/97, 6/8/22
The Board and designated staff will make every effort to assist the new member to become fully informed about the Board’s functions, policies, procedures and issues. In the interim between election and assuming office or following an appointment, the new Board member will be assisted in the following ways:
- The newly elected or appointed Board member will be given materials on the role of a Board member;
- The newly elected or appointed Board member will be invited to attend Board meetings to observe the operation of the Board until he/she assumes office, but will not be a voting member;
- The newly elected or appointed Board member will be given a copy of Board policies, Board priorities, long-range plans and district adopted budget;
- The members of the Board will serve as mentors to newly elected or appointed Board members;
- The superintendent will supply material pertinent to meetings and will explain its content;
- The newly elected or appointed Board member will be invited to meet with the superintendent and other administrative personnel, by arrangement with the superintendent, to discuss services they perform for the district;
- The newly elected or appointed Board member will be encouraged to attend the Summer Board Conference and the Board training conferences planned by the Oregon School Boards Association;
- The newly elected or appointed Board members will receive all materials, reports and communications normally sent to Board members.
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