CBG - Evaluation of the Superintendent
Adopted: 8/13/97, 7/13/22
The Board will formally evaluate the superintendent’s job performance at least once each year. The evaluation will be based on the administrative job description, any applicable standards of performance, Board policy and progress in attaining any goals for the year established by the superintendent and/or the Board.
Additional criteria for the evaluation, if any, will be developed at a public board meeting prior to conducting the evaluation. The superintendent will be notified of the additional criteria prior to the evaluation.
The Board’s discussion and conferences with and about the superintendent and his/her performance will be conducted in an executive session, unless the superintendent requests a session open to the public. Such an executive session will not include a general evaluation of any district goal, objective or operation. Results of the evaluation will be written and placed in the superintendent’s personnel file.
At the Board’s discretion, it may notify the superintendent in writing of specific areas to be remedied, and the superintendent may be given an opportunity to correct the problem(s). Where the Board provided written notice pursuant to the prior sentence, if the Board determines the superintendent’s performance remains unsatisfactory, the Board may dismiss or non-renew the superintendent pursuant to Board policy, the superintendent’s employment contract and state law and rules. In those situations where the superintendent’s employment contract includes an evaluation, dismissal or non-renewal provision, it shall take precedent over this policy.
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