CM - Compliance and Reporting on Standards

Code: CM
Adopted: 8/13/97
Re-adopted: 4/11/2018, 7/13/22

The superintendent will prepare an annual report that represents the district’s compliance with the standards adopted by the State Board of Education and submit that report to the Board.

The district’s annual report will be presented at a public Board Meeting by February 1 of each year.  This report will be posted on the district’s web page by February 1 of each school year.  The Board will acknowledge receipt of the report prior to its submission to the Oregon Department of Education (ODE). 

The district will report on its compliance with state standards to ODE by February 15 each year on a form provided by ODE.

Legal Reference(s)

OAR 581-022 2260
OAR 581-022 2305