Code: EEA
Adopted: 8/13/97
Re-adopted: 12/11/02, 7/13/22
School transportation services will be provided for students to and from school and may for transporting students to and from curricular and extracurricular activities sponsored by the district transporting from one school or facility to another school-sponsored field trips that are extensions of classroom learning experiences. Transportation will be provided for homeless students to and from the student’s school of origin1 as required by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Services shall be provided throughout the regularly scheduled year and during the regular school day as determined by the Board.
Elementary students in grades K-5 who live more than one mile from school will be transported. Secondary students in grades 6-12 who live more than one and one-half miles from school will be transported. Mileage exceptions for health, safety or disability will be made in accordance with the district’s approved supplemental plan.
Miles from school will be determined by the transportation supervisor in accordance with Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 581-023-0040(1)(e).
The district may use Type 10 School Activity Vehicles to transport students from home to school, school to home and from district-sponsored activities.
The district may also provide transportation using federal funds2 or through cooperative agreements with local victims assistance units for a student to attend a safe district school3 out of the student’s attendance area for any student who is a victim of a violent criminal offense occurring in or on the grounds of the school the student attends or the student attends a school identified as persistently dangerous. If there are no other schools within the district a student may transfer to, the district may establish a cooperative
agreement with other districts in the area for a transfer. Transportation for students who transfer for such purposes will be provided in accordance with the agreement.
Students attending any private, parochial or public charter school under the compulsory school attendance laws will, where the private, parochial or public charter school is along or near the bus route, be provided equally the riding privileges given to public school students.
Transportation will be provided for students whose parent or guardian voluntarily placed the child outside the child’s home with a public or private agency and who is living in a licensed, certified or approved substitute care program, and whose residency is established pursuant to Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 339.134.
Preschool students with disabilities who have transportation as a related service and children from birth to age three who are enrolled in an eligible program shall be provided home to school transportation.
A seat that fully supports each person and meets the minimum standards and specifications of law will be provided at all times. A person who weighs 40 pounds or less must be properly secured with a child safety system that meets the minimum standards and specifications established by the Oregon Department of Transportation under Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 815.055. A person over 40 pounds or who has reached the upper weight limit for the forward-facing car seat must use a booster seat until they are four feet nine inches tall or age eight and the adult belt properly fits.4 A person who is taller than four feet nine inches or eight years of age or older must be properly secured with a safety belt or harness that meets the requirements under ORS 815.055. In accordance with ORS 811.210 and 811.215 vehicles in excess of 10,000 pounds used for student transportation are exempt from statutory requirements unless they have been equipped with lap belts. Vehicles in excess of 10,000 pounds that have been equipped with lap belts must meet child car seat requirements as set forth in law.
School buses carrying students will be considered extensions of the school experience. All students using school transportation will abide by the code of conduct posted in each school bus or school activity vehicle. Violations of such code, as well as other conduct which is improper or which jeopardizes the safety of self or others, will be reported by the school bus or vehicle driver to the supervisor. The transportation supervisor will, as soon as possible, inform the appropriate principal of such occurrence. Violators may be denied use of transportation for a period of time as deemed proper by the principal and/or
transportation supervisor.
The principal or designee shall ensure transportation officials and drivers receive notification of students having special medical or behavioral protocols identified in student records.
Appropriate training related to specific protocols, including confidentiality requirements, will be provided to drivers.
Aides or assistants that ride a school bus shall receive training on emergency procedures and their role in the safe transportation of all students on the bus.
The school bus or vehicle driver will be responsible for the school bus or vehicle at all times from departure until return. The driver will not participate in any activities that might impair their driving abilities.
The district will comply with all state and federal laws and regulations pertaining to school bus transportation.
1 “School of origin” means the school that a student attended when permanently housed or the school in which the student was
last enrolled. When the student has completed the final grade served by the school of origin, the term “school of origin” shall
include the designated receiving school at the next grade level for all feeder schools.
2 “Federal funds” means funds available through Title IV, Part A, and Title V, Part A.
3 If there is not another school in the district to which students can transfer, districts are encouraged, but not required, to explore
other appropriate options, i.e., an agreement with a neighboring district.
4 “Proper fit” means the lap belt of the safety belt or safety harness is positioned low across the thighs and the shoulder belt is
positioned over the collarbone and away from the neck.
Legal Reference(s)
ORS 811.210
ORS 811.215
ORS 815.055
ORS 815.080
OAR 581-053-0003 OAR 581-053-0004 OAR 581-053-0010 OAR 581-053-0031 OAR 581-053-0040 OAR 581-053-0053 OAR 581-053-0060 OAR 581-053-0070 OAR 581-053-0210 OAR 581-053-0220 OAR 581-053-0230 OAR 581-053-0240 OAR 735-102-0010
Senate Bill 905 (2019)
Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, 20 U.S.C. §§ 6315, 7912 (2018).
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 11431-11435 (2012).
Cross Reference(s)