EGAAA - Reproduction of All Copyright Materials
Adopted: 2/13/91
Re-adopted: 8/13/97; 7/13/22
Among the facilities available to teachers in carrying out their educational assignments are a variety of machines for reproducing the written and spoken word, either in single or multiple copies.
Infringement on copyrighted material, whether prose, poetry, graphic images, music, audiotape, video or computer-programmed materials, is a serious offense against federal law and contrary to the ethical standards required of staff and students alike.
Violations may result in criminal or civil suits.
The Board therefore requires that all reproduction of copyrighted material be conducted strictly in accordance with applicable provisions of law. Unless otherwise allowed as “fair use” under federal law, permission must be acquired from the copyright owner prior to reproduction of material in any form.
“Fair use” is not a rigidly defined term. “Fair use” is based on the following standards:
1. The purpose and character of the use;
2. The nature of the copyrighted work;
3. The amount of and the substantiality of the portion used;
4. The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work.
If an individual questions the legality of duplicating materials, they should seek permission from the copyright holders.
Employees in violation of copyright law may be required to remunerate the district in the event of loss due to litigation and may be subject to discipline up to and including dismissal.
The superintendent will provide administrative regulations for the “fair use” of copyrighted materials that meet the requirements of Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976 and applicable amendments.
Legal Reference(s)
Copyrights, Title 17, as amended, United States Code; 19 CFR Part 133 (2000).
Cross Reference(s)
GCQBA - Copyrights and Patents
IIABB - Use of Feature Films, Videos or Other Media