GBNN/JFJ/KKA - Prohibited Recordings

Adopted: 4/8/09; 7/13/22
Original Code: GBNN/JFJ/KKA

Students, staff and third persons are prohibited from making any visual or auditory recordings of conduct or activity on school premises or at a school-related activity which violates a school policy if the recording is made with intent to promote, encourage or facilitate such conduct or activity.

Dissemination or publication of a prohibited recording with intent to disrupt or prevent a safe and positive educational environment will be treated as a violation of the District’s cyberbullying portion of Policy JFC: Student Misconduct.

The District will take any report of prohibited recordings seriously and will investigate credible reports promptly. Staff will take appropriate action and will bring it to the attention of the building principal when students report an incident of prohibited recording. Staff will attempt to preserve evidence of the prohibited recording and will submit any evidence to the building principal.

Students whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to loss of privileges, discipline, up to and including expulsion. Staff whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal. Third parties whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate sanctions as determined and imposed by the superintendent. The District may also report violators to law enforcement, if appropriate.

Legal Reference(s)