GCN/GDN - Evaluation of Staff
Adopted: 6/22/94
Re-adopted: 8/9/00, 12/13/17; 7/13/22
An effective evaluation program is essential to a quality educational program. It is an important tool to determine the current level of a teacher’s performance of the teaching responsibilities. It is also an important assessment of classified employees and current performance of their job assignments. Under Board policy, administrators are charged with the responsibility of evaluating the staff. An evaluation program provides a tool for supervisors who are responsible for making decisions about promotion, demotion, contract extension, contract non-extension, contract renewal or nonrenewal, dismissal and discipline.
Licensed Staff
The evaluations for licensed staff shall be based on the core teaching standards adopted by the Oregon State Board of Education. The standards shall be customized based on collaborative efforts and with teachers and any exclusive representatives of the licensed staff.
Evaluation and support systems established by the district for teachers must be designed to meet or exceed the requirements defined in the Oregon Framework for Teacher and Administrator Evaluation and Support Systems, including:
- Four performance level ratings of effectiveness;
- Classroom-level student learning and growth goals set collaboratively between the teacher and the evaluator;
- Consideration of multiple measures of teacher practice and responsibility which may include, but are not limited to:
- Classroom-based assessments including observations, lesson plans and assignments;
- Portfolios of evidence;
- Supervisor reports, and
- Self-reflections and assessments.
- Consideration of evidence of student academic growth and learning based on multiple measures of student progress, including performance data of students, that is both formative and summative. Evidence may also include other indicators of student success;
- A Summative evaluation method for considering multiple measures of professional practice, professional responsibilities and student learning and growth to determine the teacher’s professional growth path;
- Customized by each district, which may include individualized weighting and application of standards.
An evaluation using the core teaching standards must attempt to:
- Strengthen the knowledge, skills, disposition and classroom practices of teachers;
- Refine the support, assistance and professional growth opportunities offered to a teacher, based on the individual needs of the teacher and the needs of the students, the school and the district;
- Allow the teacher to establish a set of classroom practices and student learning objectives that are based on the individual circumstances of the teacher, including the classroom and other assignments;
- Establish a formative growth process for each teacher that supports professional learning and collaboration with other teachers;
- Use evaluation methods and professional development, support and other activities that are based on curricular standards and are targeted to the needs of the teacher; and
- Address ways to help all educators strengthen their culturally responsive practices.
Evaluation and support systems established by the district must evaluate teachers on a regular cycle. The superintendent shall regularly report to the Board on implementation of the evaluation and support systems and educator effectiveness.
Each probationary teacher shall be evaluated at least annually, but with multiple observations. The purpose of the evaluation is to aid the teacher in making continuing professional growth and to determine the teacher’s performance of the teaching responsibilities. Evaluations shall be based upon at least two observations and other relevant information developed by the district.
Classified Staff
All classified employees will be formally evaluated (by their immediate supervisor) at least twice during their first year of employment and at least once every two years thereafter.
Legal Reference(s)