IFCA - 21st Century Schools Council**
Adopted: 10/27/93
Re-adopted: 8/13/97
The Board directs the superintendent to encourage community involvement in shared decision making and to foster the collaborative efforts of district personnel, students, parents and community members through 21st Century Schools Councils at each school site.
Additionally, the Board may, as deemed necessary for assisting in the administration of grants or for coordination of districtwide programs, establish a 21st Century Schools Council and/or other special committees at the district level for specific projects or issues.
The establishment and charge of a 21st Century Schools Council shall not interfere with the duties, responsibilities and rights of the duly elected Board.
Site Council Members
A 21st Century Schools Council, i.e., site council, shall be composed of teachers, parents, classified employees and administrators or their designees as follows:
1. Not more than half of the members shall be teachers;
2. Not more than half of the members shall be parents or guardians of students attending that school;
3. At least one member shall be a classified employee;
4. One member shall be an administrator or designee.
Other members may be designated by the site council from district patrons that include but are not limited to, local school committee members, business leaders, students and members of the community-at-large.
The members of a 21st Century Schools Council shall be selected as follows:
1. Teachers shall be licensed teachers elected by licensed teachers at the school site;
2. Classified employees shall be elected by classified employees at the school site;
3. Parents shall be selected by parents of students attending the school, by a process to be defined by the Board; and
4. Others shall be selected by the council.
The duties of the 21st Century Schools Council shall include, but not be limited to:
- The development of plans to improve the professional growth of the school’s staff;
- The improvement of the school’s instructional program;
- The development and coordination of plans for the implementation of programs at the school in accordance with Oregon’s Educational Act for the 21st Century;
- The administration of grants-in-aid for the professional development of teachers and classified employees.
If the Board determines that a school site is unable to fulfill the requirement of the 21st Century Schools Council as outlined in this policy, or if the needs of a school site require a different composition, the Board shall establish the 21st Century Schools Council in a manner that best meets the educational needs of the district. The 21st Century Schools Council may request a waiver of Board policy. A waiver request must be submitted in writing to the superintendent. The superintendent will submit the waiver request and his/her recommendation to the Board for final approval. A policy waiver request will be considered based on the district’s mission statement, philosophy, Board-adopted goals and effective schooling tenets.
All 21st Century Schools Council decisions are subject to superintendent and Board review and approval, respectively. In no case will a 21st Century Schools Council, i.e., site council, abrogate any provision of the district’s collective bargaining agreements, district contracts or Board policy.
All 21st Century Schools Council meetings shall follow the notice, meeting and record-keeping requirements of the Public Records and Meetings Law.
Legal Reference(s)