IGBBA-AR - Appeal Procedure for Talented and Gifted Student Identification and Placement**
Adopted: 8/13/97, 5/27/20; 8/10/22
Adopted: 8/13/97, 5/27/20; 8/10/22
Orig. Code: IGBBA-AR
The Board has established an appeal process for a parent to utilize if they are dissatisfied with the identification process and/or placement of their student in the district program for talented and gifted (TAG) students, and wish to request reconsideration. The district’s desire and intent is to reach satisfactory solutions during the informal process:
Informal Process
- A parent will contact the building principal to request reconsideration.
- The principal will confer or meet with the parent, and may include any additional appropriate persons (e.g., principal, counselor, teacher, etc.), within five school days of the request. Information pertinent to the selection or placement will be shared.
- If an agreement cannot be reached, the parent may initiate the Formal Process.
Formal Process
- A parent shall submit a written request for reconsideration of the identification and/or placement to the principal within five working days of the conference identified above.
- The principal shall acknowledge in writing the receipt of the request within five working days and shall forward copies of the request and acknowledgement to the TAG coordinator.
- The principal and district TAG coordinator and other appropriate administrator shall review the student’s file and earlier decisions within 10 working days of the original request presented in the previous step. Additional data may be gathered to support or change the earlier decision. The parent may be provided an opportunity to present additional evidence.
If deemed necessary, a formal hearing will be conducted by the district hearings officer utilizing the appropriate procedures.
- A decision will be made by the principal within 20 working days after receipt of the written request for reconsideration from the parent. The parent shall be notified of the decision in writing and the decision shall be forwarded to the superintendent.
- The decision may be appealed to the Board through procedures found in IGBBC-AR – Complaints Regarding the Talented and Gifted Program.
- If the parent is still dissatisfied, the parent may file an appeal to the Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction under Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 581-002-0001 – 581-002-0023. The district shall provide a copy of the OAR upon request.