IGDF - Student Fund-Raising Activities
Code: IGDF
Adopted: 8/13/97
Adopted: 8/13/97
Revised/Readopted: 8/10/22
Original Code: IGDF
Students, with the permission of the principal and under the direct supervision of their advisors, may carry out fund-raising activities in which no outside fund-raising agency or contract is concerned. Where funds are to be raised through an outside agency or contracted activity, the activity must receive prior approval by the principal.
Activities concerned with fund raising for charitable or other causes not relating to school activities may not be carried on without prior approval of the principal.
A student or staff member may not solicit funds in the name of a school in the district or in the name of the district through the use of internet-based or crowd-funding types of fund raising, without the approval of the superintendent or designee.
Fund-raising projects involving the sale of products must also be approved by the activity sponsor and by the principal, before the activity is initiated. Solicitation of funds is expressly prohibited without the superintendent’s consent.
If fund raising consists of selling food and beverage items to students during the regular or extended school day, the food and beverage items must comply with state and federal nutrition standards, rules and laws. This does not apply to food and beverage items sold at school-related or nonschool-related events for which parents and other adults are a significant part of the audience.
Legal Reference(s)
ORS 336.423
ORS 339.880
OAR 137-025-0020 to -0530
OAR 581-022-2260(2)
ORS 339.880
OAR 137-025-0020 to -0530
OAR 581-022-2260(2)
Federal Smart Snacks in School Rules, 7 C.F.R. Part 210.11 (2017).