IIBGA-AR 3 - Roseburg School District Technology Access - Student Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

Adopted: 8/13/97
Re-adopted: 7/2/04, 5/24/10, 8/10/2022
Orig. Code: IIBGA-AR3

Internet access in the district supports and enhances learning and teaching.


Students will be given access to the district network on school equipment after they have:
  1. Attended AUP training at their school.
  2. Signed AUP agreement form.

User Responsibilities

Roseburg School District facilities and equipment are to be used in a safe, respectful and reasonable manner. Students should use the network for school-related purposes only. Students are expected to be good citizens of the network:

Be Safe:
  • Make good website choices.
  • Back out of inappropriate sites and notify an adult.
  • Do not click on ads; close all unnecessary message windows.
  • Protect accounts and passwords.
  • Do not give out personal information about yourself or others.
  • A school address or home email address may be used in order to receive school-related information.
Be Respectful:
  • Respect the computer files of others.
  • Quit all programs and log off. Leave the computer ready for other users.
Be Responsible:
  • Use school guidelines for printing.
  • Obey copyright law, cite sources and avoid plagiarism.

Unacceptable Use of Technology:

  • No personal interest sites without permission. Ask first.
  • Accessing recreational sites.
    • No games or game-related web sites.
    • No “real time” sites (i.e. role playing)
    • No social networking sites.
    • No chat sites.
  • Typing or viewing offensive language.
  • Viewing sites that promote violence or discrimination (i.e. hate group sites).
  • Viewing sites that encourage the use of drugs, alcohol, or other controlled substances.
  • Accessing sites that promote any illegal activity.
  • Viewing pornographic or adult sites.
  • Attempting to go to an inappropriate web site, whether it gets blocked or not.
  • Using the network for financial gain.
    • No auctions (i.e. eBay).
    • No gambling.
  • Using personal email.
    • Emergency exceptions may be permitted. Ask first.
  • Downloading without permission. Ask first.
    • Only legal downloads (i.e. PDF files).
  • Downloading of music or movies without permission. Ask first.
    • Only for assigned projects.
  • Hacking, disrupting, or altering the network.
    • Changing of settings on school computers.
    • Intentionally infecting the network with computer viruses.
  • Accessing folders other than your own.
  • Printing excessively or irresponsibly.
  • Plagiarizing text, images, or sound files found on the Internet.
  • Using the network to express personal opinions on any issue not related to learning or the school environment.
  • Violating the conditions of the MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR STUDENT CONDUCT AND DISCIPLINE of Roseburg Public Schools.

Users should not expect that files stored on district servers will be private.  Files may be opened, monitored and reviewed at any time to ensure that students are using the system responsibly and in conformance with this policy.

The Roseburg School District attempts to provide a safe, filtered network environment.  Students and parents are advised that using the district’s system might provide access to information that contains inaccurate or objectionable material. Accessing information on the Internet is ultimately the responsibility of the user. The district does not condone the use of obscene or other objectionable materials; such materials are prohibited in the school environment.

Failure to follow this policy and its regulations could result in suspension or cancellation of user privileges and could result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.  District Due Process procedures will apply.