IICC - Volunteers

Code: IICC
Adopted: 8/13/97
Re-adopted: 9/8/04, 8/10/22
Original Code: IICC

Citizens who voluntarily contribute their time and talents to the improvement and enrichment of the public schools instructional and other programs are valuable assets. The Board encourages constructive participation of groups and individuals in the school to perform appropriate tasks during and after school hours under the direction and supervision of professional personnel.

Any person authorized by the district for volunteer service into a position having direct, unsupervised contact with students shall undergo an in-state criminal records check.

A volunteer who knowingly makes a false statement, as determined by the district, on a district volunteer application form may be denied the ability to volunteer in the district.

Any electronic communications with students by a volunteer for the district will be appropriate and only when directed by district administration. When communicating with students electronically regarding school-related matters, volunteers shall use district e-mail using mailing lists and/or other internet messaging to a group of students rather than individual students or as directed by district administration. Texting or electronically communicating with a student through contact information gained as a volunteer for the district is discouraged.

Nonexempt employees[1] may be permitted to volunteer to perform services for the district provided the volunteer activities do not involve the same or similar type of services[2] as the employee’s regularly assigned duties. In the event a nonexempt employee volunteers to perform services for the district that are the same or similar as the employee’s regularly assigned duties, the Board recognizes that under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), overtime or compensatory time must be provided.

The administration is responsible for the recruitment, use, coordination and training of volunteers as deemed appropriate by program supervisors. These assignments will be carried out as directed or delegated by the superintendent. Every effort should be made to use volunteer resources in a manner which will ensure maximum contribution to the welfare and educational growth of students.


1 There are three types of FLSA exemptions: those for executive, administrative and professional employees. Generally, employees who are exempt under the executive, administrative or professional exceptions must primarily perform executive, administrative or professional duties at least 50 percent of the employee’s time.
2 Instructional assistant duties are generally viewed to be the same type of service, supervising and instructing students, as coaching.

Legal Reference(s)

ORS Chapter 243                                                                                                                                          ORS 326.607
ORS 332.107                                                                                                                                                            ORS 339.372                                                                                                                                                        OAR 581-021-0510 - 021-0512
OAR 839-020-0005                                                                                                                                              Senate Bill 155 (2019)

Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, 29 U.S.C. §§ 206-207 (2012).