IICC-AR - Volunteers
Adopted: 9/8/04
The district supports the utilization of community volunteers to augment and supplement the districts regular instructional program. Volunteers may be selected subject to the following process.
Finding a volunteer who is suitable to the required task is essential. A positive and proactive recruiting program may involve, but not be limited to:
- Retired staff;
- Parents;
- Site council members;
- Booster club;
- Parent-Teacher Association;
- Advisory committees;
- Local businesses, corporations, civic clubs and churches.
Volunteers will demonstrate the following personal attributes:
- A sense of responsibility;
- Enthusiasm;
- Good listening skills;
- Skills commensurate with a specific district need;
- Ability to follow directions;
- An understanding of confidentiality requirements.
Screening Training
The amount and type of training the volunteer receives will depend upon his/her past experience, the particular needs of the volunteer and the amount of skill required to do the job. At a minimum training should include:
- Orientation on the specific skills needed to do the job;
- Short-term activities, training that will be ongoing and will be provided as needed;
- Long-term activities, training for activities that occur on a daily basis;
- Confidentiality requirements;
- Board policies, administrative regulations, school rules and routines;
- The role of the volunteer;
- Volunteers will be informed of the district’s supervisory structure for the volunteer program.
The process of determining the suitability of a volunteer may include the following:
- A criminal records check;
- Completion of an interview designed to match skills with district needs;
- Submission of letters of reference.
Nonexempt Employee Volunteers
Nonexempt district employees may not volunteer to perform services on behalf of the district unless they are considered “bona fide volunteers.” An employee is a bona fide volunteer if:
- The employee’s services are offered freely and without pressure or coercion, direct or implied, from the district; and
- The employee does not engage in the same or similar type of volunteer services as he/she performs in his/her regular job.
As provided by law, nonexempt employees will not be permitted to volunteer to perform their regular work duties or the same type of duties off the clock and without compensation. The requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) cannot be waived by the employee or the district. Nonexempt employees who volunteer to perform services for the district may be required to complete the district’s Volunteer Agreement form verifying that they are volunteering to perform services and such services are not performed in the course of their regular employment.
Nonexempt Employee Volunteer Agreement
I, , of my own free will, volunteer my time and service to participate as for school. My time and service in this volunteer capacity are given without promise, expectation or receipt of any form of compensation, benefits or other remuneration for this service.
I understand and agree that my volunteer participation is not being performed in the course and scope of my regular employment at school and that my participation in this activity is not in any way required by school or the School District. I further acknowledge and agree that my volunteer services are not closely related to my duties and responsibilities as an employee.
I understand that my participation as a volunteer may be terminated at any time and that I may withdraw from participation at any time for any reason and that my withdrawal will not affect my continued employment with the district.
This agreement will continue in force until terminated.
Volunteer Signature
Authorized School Official