IKA - Grading System

Code: IKA
Adopted: 8/13/97
Re-adopted: 2/22/12, 9/26/12, 8/10/22

The district’s grading system shall be based on Board adopted course content and clearly show the student and parent whether the student is achieving course requirements at the student’s current grade level or course content level; shall be based on the student’s progress toward mastery of a continuum of academic knowledge and skills; and may be based on the student’s progress in a continuum of knowledge and skills that are not academic and that may include student behaviors that are defined by the district. Absenteeism or misconduct shall not be the sole criteria for the reduction of a student’s grades.

Assessment of a student’s progress will be indicated through a letter grade, symbol, or number score following the district’s reporting forms.

At the beginning of the grading period students and parents will be informed regarding the basis of the grades and the methods to be used in determining them.


Legal Reference(s)

ORS 329.485
OAR 581-021-0022
OAR 581-022-2270