INB - Studying Controversial Issues
Adopted: Unknown
Re-adopted: 8/13/97, 8/10/22
The Board supports the inclusion of controversial issues as part of students’ education. The presentation and discussion of controversial issues will be informative. The development of ability to meet issues without prejudice and to withhold judgments while facts are being collected, assembled and weighed and to see relationships before drawing inferences or conclusions are among the most valuable outcomes of a free educational system.
The teacher is the most important member of the staff in the actual handling of controversial issues. The role of the teacher should be to serve as an impartial moderator and shall not attempt, either directly or indirectly, to indoctrinate, limit or control the judgment of his/her students. It is the intent of this policy that the teacher shall foster the study of such issues rather than teach a particular viewpoint in regard to them. However, every effort shall be made by the teacher to inculcate an appreciation as well as a complete understanding of the American heritage and our system of democratic government.
Students should be taught to:
1. Find, collect and assemble factual material on the subject;
2. Interpret the data without prejudice;
3. Reconsider assumptions and claims and to reach their own conclusions.
By refraining from expressing personal views before and during the period of research and study, the teacher will encourage students to search after truth and to think for themselves.
Before beginning a class in the study of an obviously controversial topic, a teacher will discuss with the principal:
1. Its appropriateness to the course;
2. Its appropriateness for the students’ maturity level;
3. The approach to instruction;
4. The instructional materials to be used.
Legal Reference(s)
ORS 336.067
OAR 581-021-0009
U.S. CONST. amend. I.
OR. CONST., art. I.