JBA/GBN-AR(1) - Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure
Adopted: 1/13/93
Re-adopted: 8/13/97; 11/16/22
Reports and complaints of sexual harassment should be made to the following individual(s):
Name Position Phone Email
Robert Freeman Human Resources Director 541-440-4008 rfreeman@roseburg.k12.or.us
The district official receiving the complaint shall issue the required written notice as outlined under Oregon Procedures in Board policy JBA/GBN - Sexual Harassment.
Step 1 The district official receiving the report or complaint shall promptly initiate an investigation using procedures and standards, including but not limited to, those identified in Board policy JBA/GBN - Sexual Harassment and will notify the complainant or reporting person, any impacted person who is not a reporting person (if appropriate), each reported person, and where applicable the parents of a reporting person, impacted person, or reported person, when such investigation is initiated. The official will arrange such meetings as may be necessary to discuss the issue with all concerned parties within five working days after receipt of the report or complaint. The parties will have an opportunity to submit evidence and a list of witnesses. All findings of the investigation shall be reduced to writing. The official conducting the investigation shall notify the parties in writing that the investigation is concluded and if a violation of the policy was found to have occurred to the extent allowable by law within 30 days of receipt of the report or complaint.
A copy of the required written notice(s) and the date and details of notification of the notice of investigation and results of the investigation, together with any other documentation related to the sexual harassment incident, including disciplinary action taken or recommended, shall be forwarded to the superintendent.
Step 2 If a complainant is not satisfied with the decision at Step 1, the complainant may submit a written appeal to the superintendent or designee. Such appeal must be filed within 10 working days after receipt of the Step 1 decision. The superintendent or designee will arrange such meetings with the complainant and other affected parties as deemed necessary to discuss the appeal within 5 working days of receipt of the appeal. The superintendent or designee shall provide a written decision to the complainant within 10 working days.
Step 3 If a complainant is not satisfied with the decision at Step 2, the complainant may submit a written appeal to the Board. Such appeal must be filed within 10 working days after receipt of the Step 2 decision. The Board will review the decision of the superintendent or designee in a public meeting to determine what action is appropriate. The Board may use executive session if the subject matter qualifies under Oregon law. Appropriate action may include, but is not limited to, holding a hearing, requesting additional information, and adopting the superintendent’s or designee’s decision. All parties involved, including the school administration, may be asked to attend a hearing for the purposes of making further
explanations and clarifying the issues. The Board shall provide a written decision to the
complainant within 30 working days following receipt of the appeal.
If the Board chooses not to hear the complaint, the superintendent’s or designee’s decision in Step 2 is final[1].
The superintendent is authorized to amend these procedures (including timelines) when the superintendent feels it is necessary for the efficient handling of the complaint. Notice of any amendments will be promptly provided to the parties.
Complaints against the principal may start at Step 2 and may be filed with the superintendent or designee. The superintendent or designee will cause the required notices to be provided. The superintendent or designee will investigate the complaint and will notify the parties in writing that the investigation is concluded and if a violation of the policy was found to have occurred to the extent allowable by law. If the complaint remains unresolved within 10 working days of receipt by the superintendent or designee, the complainant may appeal to the Board in Step 3.
Complaints against the superintendent or a Board member (other than the Board chair) may start at Step 3 and should be referred to the Board chair on behalf of the Board. The Board chair will cause required notices to be provided. The Board chair shall present the complaint to the Board. The Board may use executive session if the subject matter qualifies under Oregon law. If the Board decides an investigation is warranted, the Board may refer the investigation to a third party. When the investigation is complete, the results will be presented to the Board. After receiving the results of the investigation, the Board shall
decide, within 20 days, in open session what action, if any, is warranted. The Board chair shall notify the parties in writing that the investigation is concluded and if a violation of the policy was found to have occurred to the extent allowable by law.
Complaints against the Board chair may start at Step 3 and should be referred to the Board vice chair on behalf of the Board. The Board vice chair will cause required notices to be provided. The Board vice chair shall present the complaint to the Board. The Board may use executive session if the subject matter qualifies under Oregon law. If the Board decides an investigation is warranted, the Board may refer the investigation to a third party. When the investigation is complete, the results will be presented to the Board. After receiving the results of the investigation, the Board shall decide, within 20 days, in open session what action, if any, is warranted. The Board vice chair shall notify the parties in writing that the
investigation is concluded and if a violation of the policy was found to have occurred to the extent allowable by law.
Direct complaints related to employment may be filed with the U.S. Department of Labor, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries.
Direct complaints related to educational programs and services may be made to the Regional Civil Rights Director, U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Region X, 915 2nd Ave., Room 3310, Seattle, WA 98174-1099.
Additional information regarding filing of a complaint or report may be obtained through the principal, compliance officer or superintendent.
All documentation related to sexual harassment complaints may become part of the student’s education record or employee’s personnel file, as appropriate. Additionally, a copy of all sexual harassment complaints or reports and documentation will be maintained as a confidential file and stored in the district office.
The superintendent shall report the name of any person holding a teaching license or registered with Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) or participating in a practicum under Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) Chapter 584, Division 17, when, after appropriate investigation, there is reasonable cause to believe the person may have committed an act of sexual harassment. Reports shall be made to TSPC within 30 days of such a finding. Reports of sexual contact with a student shall be given to a representative from law enforcement or Oregon Department of Human Services, as possible child abuse.
1 If the Board chooses to accept the superintendent’s decision as the district’s final decision on the complaint, the superintendent’s written decision must meet the requirements of OAR 581-022-2370(4)(b).