JHCC-AR - Communicable Diseases - Student

Adopted: 11/16/22

In accordance with state law, administrative rule, the local health authority and the Communicable Disease Guidance, the procedures established below will be followed.

1. “Restrictable diseases” are defined by rule and include but are not limited to COVID-19[1], chickenpox, diphtheria, hepatitis A, hepatitis E, measles, mumps, pertussis, rubella, Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi infection, scabies, Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) infection, shigellosis and infectious tuberculosis, and may include a communicable stage of hepatitis B infection if, in the opinion of the local health officer, the person poses an unusually high risk to others (e.g., a child that exhibits uncontrollable biting or spitting). Restrictable disease also includes any other communicable disease identified in an order issued by the Oregon Health Authority or the local public health officer as posing a danger to the public’s health. A disease is considered to be a restrictable disease if it is listed in Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 333-019-0010, or it has been designated to be a restrictable disease by the local public health administrator after determining that it poses a danger to the public’s health.

2. “Susceptible” for a child means lacking documentation of immunization required under OAR 333-050-0050.

3. “Reportable disease” means a disease or condition, the reporting of which enables a public health authority to take action to protect or to benefit the public health.

Restrictable Diseases

1. A student of the district will not attend a district school or facility while in a communicable stage of a restrictable disease, including a communicable stage of COVID-19[2], unless authorized to do so under Oregon law. When an administrator has reason to suspect any child has a restrictable disease, the administrator shall send the student home.

2. An administrator shall exclude a susceptible child from school if the administrator has reason to suspect that the student has been exposed to measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, pertussis, hepatitis A, or hepatitis B, unless the local health officer determines that exclusion is not necessary to protect the public’s health. The administrator may request the local health officer to make a determination as allowed by law. If the disease is reportable, the administrator will report the occurrence to the local health department.

3. An administrator shall exclude a student if the administrator has been notified by a local public health administrator or local public health officer that the student has had a substantial exposure to an individual with COVID-19 and exclusion is deemed necessary by same.

4. A student will be excluded in such instances until such time as the student or the parent or guardian of the student presents a certificate from a physician, a physician assistant licensed under Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 677.505 - 677.525, a nurse practitioner licensed under ORS 678.375 - 678.390, local health department nurse or school nurse stating that the student does not have or is not a carrier of any restrictable diseases.

5. The district may, for the protection of both the student who has a restrictable disease and the exposed student, provide an educational program in an alternative setting. A student may remain in an alternative educational setting until such time as a certificate from a physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, local health department nurse or school nurse states that the student does not have or is not a carrier of any restrictable disease, or until such time as a local public health administrator states that the disease is no longer communicable to others or that adequate precautions have been taken to minimize the risk of transmission. A restrictable disease exclusion for chickenpox, scabies, staphylococcal skin infections, streptococcal infections, diarrhea or vomiting may be removed by a school nurse or health care provider.

6. More stringent exclusion standards for students from school may be adopted by the local health department.

7. The district’s emergency preparedness plan shall address the district’s plan with respect to a declared public health emergency at the local or state level.

Reportable Diseases Notification

1. All employees shall comply with all reporting measures adopted by the district and with all rules set forth by the Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division and the local health department.
2. An administrator may seek confirmation and assistance from the local health officer to determine the appropriate district response when the administrator is notified that a student or an employee has been exposed to a restrictable disease that is also a reportable disease.
3. An administrator shall determine other persons who may be informed of a student’s communicable disease when a legitimate educational interest exists or for health and safety reasons in accordance with law.


1. The administrator or designee shall seek information from the district’s school nurse or other appropriate health officials regarding the health needs/hazards of all students and the impact on the educational needs of a student diagnosed with a restrictable disease or exposed to a restrictable disease.
2. The administrator or designee shall, utilizing information obtained above, determine an educational program for such a student and implement the program in an appropriate (i.e., regular or alternative) setting.                                                                                  3. The administrator or designee shall review the appropriateness of the educational program and the educational setting of each individual student diagnosed with a restrictable disease.

Equipment and Training

1. The administrator or designee shall, on a case-by-case basis, determine what equipment and/or supplies are necessary in a particular classroom or other setting in order to prevent disease transmission.
2. The administrator or designee shall consult with the district’s school nurse or other appropriate health officials to provide special training in the methods of protection from disease transmission.
3. All district personnel will be instructed annually to use the proper precautions pertaining to blood and body fluid exposure per the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). (See policy EBBAA).

Added per OAR 333-019-1000(2).
“Communicable stage of COVID-19” means having a positive presumptive or confirmed test of COVID-19.