JHFA - Supervision of Students**
Adopted: Unknown
Re-adopted: 8/13/97
It is essential for any person assigned supervisory duties to:
1. Be responsible to be on duty during the assigned time;
2. Know and enforce rules and regulations as set forth;
3. Be mobile and aware of what is happening in the area being supervised;
4. Stop undesirable or dangerous activities as soon as possible.
Administrator’s duties include:
1. Seeing that the staff complies with established rules;
2. Supporting of staff in the enforcement of existing school rules;
3. Training non-licensed personnel and volunteer parents (if used) in methods of supervision;
4. Assuring the competence of those personnel assigned supervisory duties;
5. The informing of all personnel of rule changes.
Students will show respect and courtesy toward each other and adults.
Reasonable requests by teachers, administrators, paid aides, volunteer aides, student aides, custodians, bus drivers, cooks, secretaries, etc., will be obeyed.
Areas of Supervision:
- Schoolgrounds - Each school shall develop clear, concise and enforceable schoolground rules. At the elementary and junior high levels, playgrounds will have sufficient numbers of adults assigned to supervisory duty to enable them to see the students, enforce the rules of safety and maintain discipline within the supervised area. When gross misconduct by a student occurs on the playground, it must be dealt with immediately. A student may be detained or isolated. The duty supervisor may also remove a student from the playground and refer him/her to the principal or his/her designee. At this time, the duty supervisor will furnish the particulars leading to the student’s removal from the playground. The principal or his/her designee will take appropriate action.
- Hallways and Restrooms - Hallways and restrooms will have adequate adult supervision to enforce the rules of safety and courtesy. Teachers will maintain the responsibility for students in the hallways and restrooms.
- Cafeteria - Each cafeteria will have enough adult supervision to insure all students a pleasant and safe atmosphere in which to eat. The cafeteria is considered a privilege that can and will be denied if acceptable behavior is not maintained.
- Classroom - It is the responsibility of each teacher to maintain appropriate discipline in the classroom. However, no teacher or class is required to tolerate any act of gross misconduct, including flagrant discourtesy, abusive and vile language, acts of violence and insubordination. Such acts must be dealt with immediately. When a student’s behavior seriously disrupts the classroom, the teacher will furnish to the principal or his/her designee the particulars leading to the student’s removal from the classroom. Prior to readmission, the principal or his/her designee will discuss the problem with the teacher and a decision as to the course of action will be made.
- Keeping Students After School - A teacher may retain a student after school for a discipline problem. The retention should occur as soon as possible after the incident occurs. In the elementary schools, teachers are obligated to see that the parent or guardian is notified, if possible. If a student at either elementary or secondary school is transported by school bus, arrangements shall be made for transportation. Whenever a student is retained, the teacher who has retained the student is responsible for their supervision.
School Responsibility Before and After School
- Before School - School personnel are not expected to be responsible for students until they reach the school grounds or, in the case of bused students, until they board the school bus. However, if school personnel are aware of problems occurring before or after school, on the schoolgrounds or at school-sponsored activities, they are obligated to deal with them or report them to the responsible administrator.
- Early Arrivals - Each school is responsible for bus students who arrive early or any other students who have permission from the principal or a teacher to perform before-school duties. Each school should inform parents of the time supervision is provided before and after school.
- After School - Students are directed to return home directly after school dismissal unless engaged in a supervised activity.
Classroom Rules
Each classroom teacher is responsible for providing the building principal with a copy of the classroom rules prior to distribution and on an annual basis. Each building principal will review and approve the classroom rules, that are determined to be appropriate, as submitted by the classroom teacher in order to ensure there is a consistency of expectation and application within the building. The district administration, on an annual basis, will review building classroom rules to ensure there is consistency between the various schools and adherence to all Board policies.
Obscene Language
Obscene language and gestures will not be tolerated. When they occur, the staff member hearing or observing the obscenity will confer with the student and take appropriate disciplinary action. If the staff member is not the individual student’s classroom teacher, he will inform the classroom teacher or the appropriate administrator of the incident and the action taken. This should occur as soon as practical after the incident.
School Activities
Each individual building will develop rules defining procedures and responsibilities for students in attendance at all school-sponsored activities which are either away or at home.
Teacher Appeal Process
After the teacher has made every possible effort to resolve a conflict, the matter should be referred to the administration. If the teacher is then not satisfied with the approach taken by the administration, the matter should be discussed by the teacher and the principal. If the matter is not satisfactorily resolved at that level, the teacher and/or the principal may use the proper and established organizational channels for resolution of the difference.
Evaluation of Building Discipline Guides
Each building discipline guide or handbook (a part of which will include the school rules) shall be discussed by school staff and the school improvement advisory committee on an annual basis. Parents shall be informed of the above guide and school rules.
School rules shall be read and discussed with all students during the first two weeks of school. A list of school rules shall be posted in all classrooms and discussed periodically with the students.
Legal Reference(s)
ORS 332.072
ORS 332.107