JHFF/GBNAA-AR - Suspected Sexual Conduct Report Procedures and Forms
Suspected Sexual Conduct Report Forms
Revised/Reviewed: 11/16/22
Suspected Sexual Conduct Report Procedures and Forms
When the designee receives a report of suspected sexual conduct that may have been committed by a person licensed1 through Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC), the designee shall notify TSPC as soon as possible. When the designee receives a report of suspected sexual conduct that may have been committed by a person who is not licensed through TSPC, the designee shall notify the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) as soon as possible.
The district posts in each school building the names and contact information of the district employees designated for the respective school building to receive reports of suspected sexual conduct and the procedures the designee(s) will follow upon receipt of the report.
If the superintendent is the alleged perpetrator the report shall be submitted to the director of human resources who shall refer the report to the Board chair.
When the designee receives a report of suspected sexual conduct by a district employee, and there is reasonable cause to support the report, the district shall place the district employee on paid administrative leave2 and take necessary actions to ensure the student’s safety. The employee shall remain on leave until TSPC3 or ODE4 determines that the report is substantiated and the district takes appropriate employment action against the employee, or cannot be substantiated or is not a report of sexual conduct and the district determines either: 1) an employment policy was violated and the district will take appropriate employment action against the employee; or 2) an employment policy has not been violated and an employment action against the employee is not required. The district will investigate all reports of suspected sexual conduct by persons who are licensed by the TSPC, unless otherwise requested by TSPC, and all reports of suspected sexual conduct by persons who are not licensed by TSPC, unless otherwise requested by ODE.
When the designee receives a report of suspected sexual conduct by a contractor5, an agent or a volunteer, the district may prohibit the contractor, agent or volunteer from providing services to the district. If the district determines there is reasonable cause to support a report of suspected sexual conduct, the district shall prohibit the contractor, agent or volunteer from providing services. The district may reinstate the contractor, agent or volunteer, and such reinstatement may not occur until such time as a report of suspected sexual conduct has been investigated and a determination has been made by TSPC or ODE, as appropriate, that the report is unsubstantiated.
Upon request from ODE or TSPC the district will provide requested documents or materials to the extent allowed by state and federal law.
The name, address and other identifying information about the employee who made the report are confidential and are not accessible for public inspection.
An “investigation” means a detailed inquiry into the factual allegations of a report of suspected sexual conduct that is based on interviews with the person who initiated the report, the person who may have been subjected to sexual conduct, witnesses and the person who is the subject of the report, and results in a finding that the report is a substantiated report, cannot be substantiated, or is not a report of sexual conduct. If the subject of the report is a district employee represented by a contract or a collective bargaining agreement, the investigation must meet any negotiated standards of such employment contract or agreement.
Nothing prevents the district from conducting its own investigation, unless another agency requests to lead the investigation or requests the district to suspend their investigation, or taking an employment action based on information available to the district before an investigation conducted by another agency is completed. The district will cooperate with agencies assigned to conduct such investigations.
A “substantiated report” means a report of sexual conduct that TSPC or ODE determines is founded.
If, following the investigation, the district decides to take an employment action, the district will inform the district employee of the employment action to be taken and provide information about the appropriate appeal process. The employee may appeal the employment action taken through the appeal process provided by the applicable collective bargaining agreement
If the district is notified that the employee decided not to appeal the employment action or if the determination of an appeal sustained the employment action, the district shall create a record of the findings of the substantiated report and the employment action taken by the district will be placed in the records on the school employee maintained by the district. Such records created are confidential and not public records as defined in Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 192.311, however the district may use the record as a basis for providing information required to be disclosed about a district employee under ORS 339.378(1). The district will notify the employee that information about substantiated reports may be disclosed to a potential employer.
The district shall provide information and training each school year to district employees on the following:
1. Prevention and identification of sexual conduct;
2. Obligations of district employees under ORS 339.388 and 419B.005 - 419B.050 and under adopted board policies to report suspected sexual conduct; and
3. Appropriate electronic communications with students.
The district shall make available each school year the training described above to contractors, agents, volunteers and to parents and legal guardians of students attending district-operated schools, and will be made available separately from the training provided to district employees.
The district shall provide to contractors, agents and volunteers each school year information on the following:
1. Prevention and identification of sexual conduct;
2. Obligations of district employees under adopted board policies to report suspected sexual conduct; and
3. Appropriate electronic communications with students.
The district shall make available each school year training that is designed to prevent sexual conduct to students attending district-operated schools.
Roseburg School District
(Submit to the Director of Human Resources)
Name of person making report: __________________________________________________________
Position of person making report: ________________________________________________________
Name of person suspected of sexual conduct: ____________________________________________
Date and place of incident or incidents: __________________________________________________
Description of suspected sexual conduct: _________________________________________________
Name of witnesses (if any): ________________________________________________________________
Evidence of suspected sexual conduct, e.g., letters, photos, etc. (attach evidence if possible):
Any other information: ____________________________________________________________________
I agree that all of the information on this form is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge.
Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: _________________________
Roseburg School District
(Submit to the Director of Human Resources)
Name of witness: ________________________________________________________________________
Position of witness: ______________________________________________________________________
Date of testimony/interview: ____________________________________
Description of instance witnessed: _______________________________________________________
Any other information: ___________________________________________________________________
Name of witnesses (if any): ________________________________________________________________
I agree that all of the information on this form is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge.
Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: _________________________