LBEA - Resident Student Denial for Virtual Charter School Attendance**
ORS 332.107
ORS 338.125
OAR 581-026-0305
OAR 581-026-0310Code: LBEA
Adopted: 5/27/15
The district will annually, by December 1, calculate the percentage of the number of students residing in the district, who are enrolled in any virtual public charter schools not sponsored by the district. When the established percentage of all virtual charter enrollments combined is more than three percent, the district will not approve additional students enrollment to a virtual public charter school, subject to the requirements in Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 581-026-0305 (2).
The district may send a notice of approval or disapproval to a parent1 of a student who has sent a notice to the superintendent’s office of intent to enroll the student in a virtual public charter school not sponsored by the district (See OAR 581-026-0305(3)). The district will respond with an approval or disapproval to a parent within fourteen days2 of receipt of the notice from the parent.
The district is only required to use data that is reasonably available to the district, including but not limited to the following for such calculation:
1. The number of students residing in the district enrolled in the schools within the district;
2. The number of students residing in the district enrolled in public charter schools located in the district;
3. The number of students residing in the district enrolled in virtual public charter schools;
4. The number of home-schooled students who reside in the district and who have registered with the educational service district; and
5. The number of students who reside in the district enrolled in private schools located within the school district.
A parent may appeal a decision of a district to not approve a student enrollment to a virtual public charter school to the State Board of Education under OAR 581-026-0310.
1 “Parent” means parent, legal guardian or person in “parental relationship” as defined in Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 339.133.
2 If a parent does not receive a notice of approval or disapproval from the district within 14 days of sending the notice of intent to enroll to the district, the student shall be deemed approved for enrollment by the district.