About Our Department
Roseburg Public Schools contracts with First Student Inc. to provide all bus services for the District. First Student is committed to ensuring that our students have the best possible ride to and from school. To contact First Student, call 541-672-4191.
Weather-related delay and closure process
Learn more
When severe weather is in the forecast, Roseburg School District decides whether to delay or close school based on the following considerations:
- the ability to operate school buses safely
- the ability of students and parents to drive safely
- the ability of students to walk safely
- the ability of employees to get to work on time and safely
When we’re expecting ice or snow, our district starts checking road conditions around 4 in the morning, by driving some bus routes and tuning into local weather reports.
Our priority is to ensure that travel is safe for ALL students. While conditions in some areas of town may appear clear, other areas may be experiencing ice, heavy snow or other hazardous conditions.
Decisions to delay or close school will be made by 5:30 a.m. A decision to close school following a delay will be made by 7:30 a.m. The decision to delay or close school may be made the day prior if necessary.
Families will receive notifications through our ParentSquare Urgent Alert system (text, email, phone call) and can refer to our website and Facebook page for notifications as well.
Please ensure we have the correct contact information on file for you by signing in and/or registering your ParentSquare account and confirming your email address and phone number. Learn more about how to access ParentSquare at
Find your bus route
Enter your address in InfoFinder to view your bus routes and stop times. If you have questions about bus routes, please contact your child's school.
Snow Routes
Some routes and certain stops on individual routes may be eliminated when snow routes are used. On inclement weather days, the District will provide information on any time delays and snow routes
Access the ParentView app to view your child's bus location in real time. To obtain the district code, please contact your child's school. Learn more about the app.
Have a bus route question?
Contact our Transportation Department at 541-440-4048.
Interested in becoming a bus driver?
Those interested can contact First Student at 541-672-4191 to learn more about bus driver positions and the application process. To apply, visit
- Bus Behavior Rules
- Crossover Rules
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Student Transportation Services - Board Policy
- School Bus Scheduling and Routing
- Weather-related closure decisions
Bus Behavior Rules
Be Safe - Be Respectful - Be Responsible
- Be visible
- Stay in designated “safe” areas
- Wait for driver’s signal to cross in front of bus
- Be respectful of other peoples property
- Use Quiet voices
- Wait patiently
- Be on time (five minutes before bus arrives)
- Form and stand in line to load bus
- Keep pets and inappropriate items at home (toys, glass containers)
- Sit correctly
- Keep hands, feet and objects to self
- Keep aisles clear
- Be quiet at RR crossings
- Keep hands and objects inside the bus
- Follow loading procedures
- Follow bus rules
- Food and snack are not to be eaten on bus and must be kept in backpack
- Share seat with others
- Use kind words and actions
- Use quiet voices follow bus driver expectations and directions
- Ask permission to open windows half way
- Take seat quickly
- Ask permission to change seats
- Keep all belongings with you
- Watch for your stop
- Use quiet voices
- Clean up after yourself
- Control personal items
- Follow dismissal procedures – wait for brake to be set before standing
- Emergency exits only used in emergencies
- Cross in front of bus by driver direction only
- Take personal items with you
- Have note from the office for busing changes
- Assist substitute drivers
- Close window when leaving
- Watch for your stop
- Dismiss promptly when bus comes to stop
- Respond to driver directions
Crossover Rules
- Stand at least 10 feet (5 giant steps) from the road
- Looks to the driver before crossing the road
- Do not cross the road until given a verbal ok from the driver over the outside PA system of the bus. STOP! IF THE DRIVER SOUNDS THEIR HORN.
- Always cross 10 feet (5 giant steps) in front of the bus so that they can see the driver and the driver see them
- Walk out 10 feet from the right front bumper and look to the driver
- Do not cross the road until given a verbal ok from the driver over the outside PA system. STOP! IF THE DRIVER SOUNDS THEIR HORN.
- Look to the right and then to the left before crossing
NOTE: If you meet your child at the bus stop in the afternoon, wait on the side where the child will be dropped off, not across the street. Then proceed across with the Drivers direction.
Thank you for your assistance in making this a safe ride to and from our schools.
If you have any questions or comments please call our office at 541-440-4048.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Q) Why can’t the driver add a stop?
A) We take many things into consideration when constructing bus routes. Of those, student safety is the most important. Consistency is also important. Stops are created by using established criteria which insures that all students in the District receive similar service. All changes must go through Transportation so that information in our computers accurately reflects how the routes are driven. In the case of an emergency, we rely on computer information to determine the location and students on the route.
2. Q) How can a stop be changed or added to a bus route?
A) All change requests must be submitted to the Transportation Department for review. You will be notified if your request has been approved or denied by the Transportation Supervisor. Once approved, stop changes may take up to FIVE (5) days† to be completed. Changes affect all students riding the route, and all parents/guardians must be notified of any change to their student’s stop. Please do not ask drivers to make ‘special’ stops for your student. This practice is strictly forbidden by the Oregon Department of Education. †Due to the hectic nature of start-up, route change requests may take longer at the beginning of the school year.
3. Q) Can a student ride to a different stop or on a different route on a one time basis?
A) Students may ride a different bus or to a different stop if ALL of the following conditions are met:
The student is a Roseburg Public Schools student
There is space on the bus
The student utilizes an established stop
A note is supplied for EACH occurrence
A note is written and signed by the parent/guardian and is given to the school secretary/administrator. The student is given a bus pass to hand it the driver upon loading. Notes to the driver from student/parent will not be accepted – the pass must come from the school office.
4. Q) What time do students need to be at their bus stop?
A) Parents should ensure that their students are at their designated stop and ready to board five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled stop time. Traffic and other circumstances can cause the bus to be early or late on any given day. Transportation uses Official U.S. Time ( for all routes. Parents should check their clocks to insure they are on the same time.
5. Q) Can a student bring a pet on the bus?
A) Oregon Revised Statues do not permit insects, reptiles, or animals of any type except for approved guide or assistance animals.
6. Q) Why are the students assigned to a seat?
A) Seats are assigned in order to maintain a calm and safe atmosphere on the bus. This makes loading and unloading more efficient. Drivers are required to maintain a seating chart to account for all students.
7. Q) Who is eligible to ride?
A) Students are eligible to ride if they meet one or more of the following criteria:
They are a primary student who resides more than one mile from school.
They are a primary student who resides less than one mile from the school, but within a hazardous area, that has an approved supplementary plan for Transportation by Oregon Department of Education and the Roseburg Public Schools – School Board
They are a secondary student who resides more than one and one half miles from school
They are a secondary student who resides less than 1 ½ miles from the school, but within a hazardous area, that has an approved supplementary plan for Transportation by Oregon Department of Education and the Roseburg Public Schools – School Board
8. Q) Where will my student be picked up or dropped off?
A) Your student may be picked up at any designated stop along the route. Students are only discharged from the bus at their designated stop. A pre-approved bus pass must be presented to the driver at the time they board if you want your student to disembark at a different stop. (See #3)
9. Q) Do I have to be with my kindergarten student at the pickup point?
A) It is advisable for you to be at the pickup point with your student. However if your student is at the stop unattended we will pick them up.
10. Q) Do I need to meet my kindergarten student at the drop-off point?
A) Your student will be dropped at their designated stop following the procedure outlined here. If the driver notices a kindergartener not connecting with an adult or walking to his/her destination, the following may take place:
The student will be moved to the front seat.
The driver will check to see that the student knows where their home is from the bus stop. If they know, they will be released and the bus will continue on. If not, a call will be made to the student’s emergency contact number for instruction.
If the driver cannot contact a parent or guardian:
The driver will call the School for additional information.
If no additional information is available at the school, a call to the District office will be placed.
Driver will let the building administrator/secretary know they will return to the stop at the end of the route.
If no parent is present at that time the student will be returned to the school.
11. Q) May my student be transported to/from a Day Care instead of home?
A) Your student may be transported to/from a day care provided that the day care is within your school attendance area. This would be their designated stop every day.
12. Q) What about early releases?
A) Early release routes are identical to regular-day, (K-12), adjusted for time.
13. Q) Will my student have the same bus stop when snow routes are used?
A) Some routes and certain stops on individual routes may be eliminated when snow routes are used. On inclement weather days, the District will provide information on any time delays and snow routes. A link will be provided to individual route information on District web pages.
14. Q) If a parent has a concern about their student’s bus route or driver, who should they talk to?
A) They should contact the Transportation Office at (541) 440-4048 or First Student (541) 670-5819.
15. Q) Can a parent take their student off the bus along the route?
A) Federal and State Transportation regulations only permit the students to depart the bus at their designated stop or at school. Only a district staff member may remove a student from the bus at school. This is for the safety and security of all students.
16. Q) Can students carry glass, plants, balloons, or a large project on the bus?
A) Objects that could break or anything that could potentially injure students cannot be transported on the bus. Large items that cannot be safely stored on the students lap may not be transported. These objects become hazardous in the event of a collision. Balloons can pop or float into the driver’s view causing dangerous distractions so cannot be brought onto the bus.
17. Q) Will students have the same stop before and after school?
A) Stops need not be the same in the morning as they are in the afternoon for some students, although stops must be in the same school attendance boundary. Many students go to after school programs and daycare which would create the same type of situation. Additionally, some afternoon routes and stops may be consolidated for efficiency.
18. Q) Can students bring their musical instrument or skateboard on the bus?
A) For student safety, large, uncontained objects cannot be transported on the school bus (See #16). Musical instruments in a case may be transported provided there is space on the bus and the instrument can be secured by the student. If skateboards are permitted at school First Student will allow them on the bus following the same policy for instruments. This pertains to both the regular school year and summer school sessions.
19. Q) If my student has not arrived at the normal drop off time who do I call?
A) Afterschool route times are estimates and may vary depending on many factors. Call the First Student dispatcher at (541) 672-4191, they can radio the driver to confirm any delays and provide an estimated arrival time.
20. Q) Will transportation be provided if we move?
A) Depending on whether or not you still reside in the same school boundary, transportation may be available and new stop information will be provided within three days of notifying transportation of your address change. If your move has placed you in the walking area for your home school your student will no longer ride a bus. If you have moved out of the school boundary you will be responsible for your student’s transportation.
21. Q) Can a visitor or family member ride the bus?
A) Transportation services are provided for Roseburg students meeting the criteria in answer #7. Any others requesting permission to ride on a bus should contact the Transportation Office.
22. Q) Do these rules apply to all students?
A) The answers to the previous questions relate to those students most likely to travel on regular AM and PM route buses. Families whose student's transportation is provided as a related service in an Individual Education Plan, a 504 Plan, as required by other State or Federal laws, or in support of a student's unique educational needs, (Small Bus Solutions) should contact the District Transportation Office -- 541-440-4048, and not rely on any of the answers provided without confirmation.
Student Transportation Services - Board Policy
Douglas County School District 4Code:EE/EEAAdopted:8/13/97 Readopted:12/11/02Student Transportation Services School transportation services will be provided for students living beyond specified limits of theirrespective schools or with Oregon Department of Education (ODE) approved supplementary plans. Stopswill be established within their individual school boundaries. Students living outside of school boundariesmay ride on a space available basis providing they are catching the bus at an existing stop for the schoolthey are choosing to attend.Only those studentsand persons authorized by the district may ride districtbuses. Authorization for non-students to ride district transportation must be determined by thesuperintendent or his/her designee. Generally, such authorization is reserved for those adults assisting inthe supervision of field trips, athletic trips or volunteering in the schools.The district may provide transportation for curricular and extracurricular activities sponsored by theschools within the limitations of available resources with prior administrative approval. The district willcomply with all state and federal laws and regulations pertaining to school bus transportation.Exceptions: The district reserves the right to make payment in lieu of bus transportation in areas where thecost of a bus for a few students would be exorbitant.Under the compulsory school attendance laws,students attending any private or parochial school that arealong or near a regular school bus route, shall be provided equally the bus services given to public schoolstudents on a space available basis. Thedistrictis not required to reroute buses in these cases.School buses carrying students will be considered extensions of the district program and all students usingschool transportation will abide by the Code of Conduct posted in each bus and any other applicabledistrict rules. Violations of such code, as well as other conduct which is improper or which jeopardizes thesafety of other students, will be reported by the bus driver to the school principal or his/her designee. Violators may be denied use of school bus transportation for such period of time as defined by bussuspension and expulsion procedures in regulation EEACC-AR.The school bus driver will be responsible for student safety and behavior during all transportation times. The driver will conduct himself/herself in accordance with Oregon Administrative Rules.Principals must familiarize themselves with the transportation program and instruct both students andparents as to the schedules, routes, rules and regulations.Principals must construct duty schedules which will insure proper supervision of school bus loading areasboth before and after school.
Student Transportation Services EE/EEA(continued)2-2END OF POLICYLegal Reference(s):ORS 327.006ORS 327.033ORS 327.043ORS 332.405ORS 332.415ORS 339.240 - 339.250ORS 343.155 - 343.246ORS 343.533ORS 820.105 - 820.190OAR 581-021-0050 to -0075OAR 581-022-1530OAR 581-023-0040OAR 581-053-0002 to -0015Letter Opinion, Office of the Attorney General (Nov. 22, 1988).Cross Reference(s):EEAB - School Bus Scheduling and RoutingEEACC - Student Conduct on School Buses
School Bus Scheduling and Routing
Douglas County School District 4Code:EEABAdopted:1/13/93Readopted:8/13/97 12/11/02Orig. Code(s):7240School Bus Scheduling and Routing The establishment of bus routes is based on criteria as set forth by Oregon law, school boundaries andSchool Board policy EE/EEA - Student Transportation Services.Stops will be established by the district, considering but not limited to the following; student residences,school boundaries, walking distance to stop and school, safety and location. Any request to extend a busroute that results in additional cost must be authorized by the Director of Business Operations.The Boardreserves final jurisdiction of this matter. In the designation and selection of routes, the district is limited to roads, streets and highways that aremaintained by the city of Roseburg, county of Douglas, state of Oregon or any other incorporated city whichmay become a part of the district. The district is also limitedby steep grades, gated communities, gravelroads, streets and highways which are determined to be unsafe for school buses.In the determination of miles from school , the district will consider the distance a student lives fromschool measured from the closest, reasonable and prudent point between school property identified by theBoard for the student s attendance and the property where the student lives. The distance will be measuredover the shortest practicable route on maintained public roadways or over existing pedestrian facilities asprovided by law.In the establishment of bus routes and bus stops, special consideration will be given to walking distances soas to limit the distance the student must travel on a public roadway (up to 1/4 mile) from his/her residence tothe school bus pick-up point. Permanent bus stops will be created to establish regular routes from year toyear and provide clear directions for families with regard to the closest, most appropriate stop. Exceptionswill be considered in rural routes where safety is a primary concern.A supplemental plan adopted by the Board will identify groups or categories of students who live within thewalking limitation for elementary students and secondary students who require transportation based onhealth or safety reasons, including special education.END OF POLICYLegal Reference(s):ORS 332.405OAR 581-053-0002Cross Reference(s):EEA - Student Transportation Services
Weather-related closure decisions
When severe weather is in the forecast, Roseburg School District decides whether to delay or close school based on the following considerations:
- the ability to operate school buses safely
- the ability of students and parents to drive safely
- the ability of students to walk safely
- the ability of employees to get to work on time and safely
When we’re expecting ice or snow, our district starts checking road conditions around 4 in the morning, by driving some bus routes and tuning into local weather reports.
Our priority is to ensure that travel is safe for ALL students. While conditions in some areas of town may appear clear, other areas may be experiencing ice, heavy snow or other hazardous conditions.
Decisions to delay or close school will be made by 5:30 a.m. A decision to close school following a delay will be made by 7:30 a.m. The decision to delay or close school may be made the day prior if necessary.
Families will receive notifications through our ParentSquare Urgent Alert system (text, email, phone call) and can refer to our website and Facebook page for notifications as well.
Please ensure we have the correct contact information on file for you by signing in and/or registering your ParentSquare account and confirming your email address and phone number. Learn more about how to access ParentSquare at