
Inter-district transfers

Families wishing their child to attend Roseburg Public Schools are required to complete a Request for Nonresident Student Admission Inter-district Transfer with Mutual Consent of Both Affected Districts form. As per school board Policy JECB: Request for Transfer of Resident Students and Admission of Non-resident Students.

Students on an approved Inter-district Transfer are no longer required to renew annually and will continue to be enrolled in Roseburg Public Schools unless the terms of the Inter-district Transfer agreement are violated, the student is requesting to attend a different school in RPS or the student relocates to a different district.

NEW students applying for a Resident District Transfer must complete the Intra-district  Transfer form.

The form must be completed, signed and dated by the student's parent or guardian, then submitted for processing prior to the student's ability to register in the requested non-resident school.

Families living within the Roseburg attendance boundaries requesting their students attend another district must begin the Request for Nonresident Student Admission Inter-district Transfer process with the district that you would like to attend.

Inter-district Transfer Form

* Do not use for Phoenix Charter School. Call 541-673-3036 if you intend to enroll at Phoenix Charter School.

Intra-district transfers

Families may request transfers between schools within the district. Please contact your student's assigned school for more information.